Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day/Last post for 7th grade!

Hi everyone,

Happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful mothers out there! I hope that you have a very special start to your day so far.

7th grade- the end is almost here! Exam is tomorrow morning. Make sure you have pencils, a working calculator (try it out at home first!) and a free reading book. I will provide you with scratch paper. If you finish the exam and have checked all of your answers before the end of the exam period, you will only be allowed to free read. If you do not finish before the end of the class period you will be allowed to continue working on your exam until you are finished.

I took the exam yesterday, it took me about 3o minutes but this did include some interruptions from my children! 58 questions on the exam, first page -- no calculator.

Please bring your home copy of your math book to school Monday or Tuesday. It needs to be stacked underneath the board in Ms. Stuckey's room or Ms. Mathis' room (wherever your math class is held). You will not receive your report card until all textbooks have been turned in.

Email me if you have any questions! Good luck, I know you are all well-prepared. 

6th grade: last test is tomorrow! It will cover integers (five problems), one-step equations, rates and ratios. This is the last major grade of the nine weeks.

Bonus is due tomorrow, no exceptions!

End of the year test for all 6th graders will be held Tuesday morning. This is an important test, but will not count as a grade towards you nine weeks grades. Just do your best! We have not covered everything that is on the test, so skip what you don't know (or better yet---try it!).

Have a wonderful week everyone! Students---be sure to give your moms extra hugs today and let them know how much you appreciate them!! :)

Mrs. Serpas

Sunday, May 2, 2010

First week of May!

Hi everyone,

Can you believe we made it to the first week of May? Seems like our first class in August was ages ago....I'm glad that we have made it to May. Hang in there a few more weeks everyone!

7th grade first---I know you are anxious about exams (or at least should be thinking about them!). We do have a very busy week, but not a moment will be wasted. Some due dates to keep in mind:
1.) Monday- Last spiral (!!!!!)
2.) Monday- Study guide Part I
3.) Monday- **test corrections and signed test
**Remember that for this test I will allow you to earn 1.5 points "back" for every 3 point question...this includes the volume questions.

Tuesday: Study Guide Part II

Wednesday: Study Guide Part III

*Monday through Wednesday will be spent on study guide review. Students will be able to work on their study guides Monday and Tuesday during class, and all answers will be given in class on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday will also be study guide review. This is a time for students to ask questions about particular problems from the study guide and/or sections (example- percent proportion). Our math exam is the first exam...and will be held Monday morning May  10th. Students will need a calculator for this. All home copies of textbooks must be turned in during finals week as well. 

I will hold an OPTIONAL review session for both of my 7th grade math classes on Friday after school. Students may bring a drink and snack, we will get started after school and students should be picked up promptly at 4:45 from middle school carpool. I will send home a permission slip tomorrow.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me!

6th grade: Test review tomorrow (Monday), and test Tuesday covering solving equations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). I will send home a practice test and key tomorrow. It is important to do your best on this test as it is one of the last major grades of the nine weeks.

Spirals were ready Friday though not all students received one (teacher/printer error!). They will be due this Friday. This is the last spiral of the nine weeks, make sure every answer is correct!

I have decided to give out a one-time bonus assignment. The work will go home tomorrow and is due FRIDAY, May 7th. Credit will be given for correct answers only (with work shown of course), I have not yet decided the maximum point value but it will most likely be in the five to ten point range. I will not accept bonus after this Friday, no exceptions.

Have a great week everyone!

Mrs. Serpas