Friday, August 30, 2013

6th grade tests/7th grade test info

Hello all,

WOW - 6th grade did a WONDERFUL job on their tests- way to go! No one needs to get them signed (no D's or F's!). Please refer to an earlier post in regards to test corrections.

7th grade has a Chapter 1 Test on Wednesday, 9/4. I did not get review pages passed out as we only added two sections since the last test.

The test will cover all sections previously tested (sections 1 - 4) with the exception of vocabulary- no vocabulary on this test. The emphasis will be placed on the new sections - 5 and 6.


I. 1.5 Equations and Solutions pg. 28
A. Use mental math to solve equations (ex. 1 pg. 28)
B. Check solutions of equations (ex. 2 pg. 29)
C. Write an equation (ex. 3 pg. 29)

II. 1.6 Variables in Familiar Formulas pg. 33

A. Students must memorize and apply these formulas: 
  Square: A = s^2 (side squared), P = 4s
  Rectangle: A = lw, P = 2l + 2w
  Distance: D = rt
B. Find perimeter and area (ex. 1 pg. 33)
C. Find side length of square when given area or perimeter
D. Use distance formula to find time, distance or rate of  
     speed (ex. 3 and 4 pg. 34-35)

We will review Tuesday in class for the test.

Have a safe and wonderful Labor Day weekend!

Mrs. Serpas

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Week of 8/26

Hello all,

I hope you had a great weekend.

6th grade: Spiral due Tuesday 8/27, next spiral due Tuesday, 9/3 which is the day after Labor Day. I suggest that you turn it in this Friday! 

Test this Wednesday, see earlier post for review information which was also passed out in class. We will keep moving ahead in the chapter after this test.

7th gradeSpiral due Tuesday 8/27, next spiral due Tuesday, 9/3 which is the day after Labor Day. I suggest that you turn it in this Friday! 

The first test grades were wonderful! Students may work test corrections for a bonus point, information to follow in another post. Anyone who makes a 74 D or lower is required to have their parent(s) sign the test and return it to school the next day. After parent signature has been verified, the test is yours to keep. 

Test Correction Policies:
1.) Any missed problem must be copied and re-worked on looseleaf. 
2.) All work in pencil only.
3.) You must write a sentence for each missed problem explaining why you missed the problem. Sample reasons: added instead of multiplied, made a fact mistake (3 + 7 = 12), I did not know how to work the problem and guessed, etc.
4.) Test corrections must be stapled to the front of the test and turned in to me.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Serpas

Friday, August 23, 2013

Thank you parents/ 6th grade Math test

Thank you, parents, for attending Open House last night! Please let me know if you have any other questions-

6th grade has a math test on Wednesday, August 27th. Review sheets were passed out in class today (Friday), and the information is also posted below.

Thanks, and have a great weekend!

Mrs. Serpas

6th grade Math - Chapter 1 Test Review (Sec. 1 – 4)
4th hour- Mrs. Serpas
Test is Wednesday, August 28th   

I. Describing Patterns (1.1) pg. 5
          A. Describe and extend a numerical pattern (see ex. 2 & 3 pg. 5/6)
          B. Extend a Visual Pattern (see ex. 4 pg. 6)

II. Variables and Expressions (1.2) pg. 9
A.    Define variable, variable expression, evaluate (matching)
B.     Evaluate variable expressions (ex. 2 pg. 10)
C.     Evaluate variable expressions with more than two variables (Ex. 3 pg. 10)

III. Powers and Exponents (1.3) pg. 14
          A. Define power, exponent, base (matching), when given a power,
     label exponent, power, and base (ex: 105)
B.     Write powers (with numbers and words) (see notes)
C.     Evaluate powers (ex. 2 pg. 15)
D.    Evaluate powers with variables (ex. 3 pg. 15)

IV. Order of Operations (1.4) pg. 18
A.    Follow order of operations (ex. 1 – 4 pg. 18/19)
B.     Helpful to know PEMDAS
1.      Parentheses first (operation that is inside parentheses)
2.      Exponents
3.      Multiplication And Division IN ORDER from left to right
4.      Addition and Subtraction IN ORDER from left to right
C.  Evaluate variable expressions using order of operations

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Welcome Parents!

Welcome parents, and thank you for coming to Open House tonight.

Please check this site at least once or twice a week for important information about the week ahead. I post test reviews online, spiral due dates and test dates (check out the box on the right) and there are great links to math websites and the textbook site from our publisher.

You may even enter your email address to get an email notification when this site is updated.

I usually update for the week ahead on Sundays and Mondays.

Thanks, and have a wonderful weekend!

Lauren Serpas

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

7th grade test info

Test is Thursday!

Ch. 1 Test (Sec. 2 – 4)
7th grade Math; Mrs. Serpas
Test is Thursday, August 22nd

I. 1.2- Order of Operations (pg. 10)
       A. Evaluate expressions (integers, decimals and fractions) using order of
                   *Remember PEMDAS

II. 1.3- Variables and Expressions (pg. 15)
A.    Evaluate variable expressions (see ex. 2 pg. 16)
B.     Translate verbal phrases (see ex. 3 pg. 16)
C.     Write and evaluate expressions (ex. 4 pg. 17)

III. 1.4 - Powers and Exponents (pg. 20)
A.     Know definitions of power, exponent and base (matching)
B.      Label power, exponent and base (fill in the blank)
C.      Evaluate powers
D.     Write the product as a power
E.      Describe the power in words, then evaluate (must use “squared” and “cubed”)

F.      Use Order of Operations with powers

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Welcome students and parents!

I am excited about the school-year. 

This site is one of my most important tools of communication, please check often. I update at least once a week, typically on Sundays or Mondays outlining what's ahead for the week. There is an option to enter your email address to get a notification when the site is updated. I get the update emails, and haven't received other messages due to this (I don't think you will get spammed!).

6th grade: We are starting in Chapter 1- Number patterns. Spiral 1 was passed out Tuesday and is due Tuesday, August 20th at the beginning of class. Students may always turn in work early.

7th grade: We are starting with Chapter 1- Order of Operations, Variables, etc. Spiral 1 was passed out Tuesday and is due Tuesday, August 20th at the beginning of class. Students may always turn in work early.

Test Thursday, August 22nd on Chapter 1 Sections 2 - 5. Be on the lookout for the test review sheet which will be handed out in class and also posted on this site.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Serpas